Busk and bask

Adam and Danise Nance busk and bask about us.jpg


The very nature of our surrounding desert and its clean simplicity serve as a key design inspiration and motivation to keep only what is necessary. Through non-traditional construction techniques and an enthusiasm for modern architecture, classic sport, and geometric shape, the range is designed and built to showcase the true beauty of pure functionality. 




Dedicated to high quality design and meticulous construction, busk and bask is a small design studio based in the beautiful Mojave desert of Southern Nevada. Founded by husband and wife team Adam and Danise Nance as a creative exploration and personal inquiry into quality, with the sole intent of creating modern, minimally designed pieces that people will love and hold onto.


In a world where manual skills are shunned we believe in them, not only in the act of producing a better product, but in the sheer joy of doing or becoming. We feel that pride in craftsmanship, of doing as perfect a job as possible, of producing something of beauty even out of natures discards, are all homely attributes that can be reconsidered. It might even be a question of regaining one’s own soul when desire and megalomania are rampant- the beauty of simple things...
— George Nakashima